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Zinnie Harris

Further than the Furthest Thing

Further than the Furthest Thing <em>Photo: Barbara Čeferin</em>

Photo: Barbara Čeferin

Ljubljana City Theatre

Running time 2 hours and 30 minutes. One interval.
Première: 24 April 2012, Small Stage, City Theatre Ljubljana
First Slovene production

Translator and dramaturg Alenka Klabus Vesel
Director Tijana Zinajić
Set designer Branko Hojnik
Assistant to set designer Urša Vidic
Costume designer Matic Hrovat
Composer Tomaž Grom
Language consultant Martin Vrtačnik
Lighting designer Boštjan Kos
Special effects Vladimir Mikek

Bill Lavarello – late 50s, an islander Milan Štefe
Mill Lavarello – around 50, Bill’s wife Judita Zidar
Francis Swain – 23, Mill and Bill’s nephew Jure Henigman
Rebecca Glass – 23, an islander Tjaša Železnik
Mr. Hansen – early 40s, a business man from Cape Town Matej Puc

Life is entirely different on a tiny island than on the continent: with the ship arriving each six months, the islanders are united by a mixture of cultures and époques, a specific language, peculiar habits, and above all, a great secret and the feeling of guilt, both carefully protected from the outer world. Bill Lavarello lives with his wife Mill. Their young nephew Francis brings an entrepreneur from Cape Town to the island whose business idea promises changes in the islanders’ lives. Due to the eruption of the volcano, the islanders are being evacuated to Great Britain. The entrepreneur Hansen keeps them in his factory with lies. Still, there is a strong yearning for return: Mill is ready to reveal the island secret shared together with Billy and the young and lonely Rebecca …

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