Books at the Festival
- Saturday, 31.08.2013 at 18:10
- Wednesday, 02.09.2015 at 12:08
- Wednesday, 07.09.2016 at 10:49
17. 10. 2016 | 12.00 | Vetrinjski dvor
Primož Jesenko: The Edge in the Centre.
Ljubljana: Slovenian Theatre Institute, 2015.
Andrej Potrč: William Shakespeare: Hamlet.
To Be or Not to Be in Comics.
Ljubljana: Slovenian Theatre Institute, 2015.
Blaž Lukan: According to Everything. Theatre Reviews 1993–2013.
Ljubljana: Slovenian Theatre Institute, 2015.
Slovenian Theatre Yearbook 2014/2015
Edited by Štefan Vevar. Ljubljana, Slovenian Theatre Institute, 2015.
Amphitheatre. Journal for Performing Arts Theory.
Edited by Maja Šorli. Vol. 4, No. 1. Ljubljana: Slovenian Theatre Institute, 2015.
19. 10. 2016 | 12.00 | Vetrinjski dvor
Mile Korun: A Final Report on the Unfinished King Lear in Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana. Edited by Petra Pogorevc. Book no. 165. Ljubljana: MGL Library, 2015.
Darko Suvin: Brecht’s Work and the Horizon of Communism.
Edited by Aldo Milohnić, translated by Seta Knop. Book no. 166. Ljubljana: MGL Library, 2016.
22. 10. 2016 | 12.00 | Vetrinjski dvor
Aldo Milohnić: Art in the Time of Rule of Law and Capital.
Edited by Amelia Kraigher. TRANSformacije series, book No. 37. Ljubljana: Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education, 2016.
Chantal Mouffe: Agonistics: Thinking the World Politically.
Edited by Amelia Kraigher, translated by Aleksandra Rekar. Mediakcije series, book No. 14. Ljubljana: Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education, 2015.
Sonja Vilič: Collective Improvisation: From Theatre to Film and Beyond.
Edited by Amelia Kraigher. Ljubljana: Kolektiv Narobov, Federacija Insitute; Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education, 2016.
MASKA Performing Arts Journal:
Documents & Performance (Vol. XXX/172‒174), Jernej Lorenci’s Theatre (Vol. XXX/175‒176) Theatre of Animated Forms (Vol. XXX/177‒178). Ljubljana: Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education 2015‒2016.