Expert Jury

Zala Dobovšek Photo: Nada Žgank

Krištof Jacek Kozak Photo: Eca Jagodič

Nina Mitrović

Katja Perat

Mikko Roiha Photo: Mikko Haapanen
Zala Dobovšek
Dramaturg and critic. She graduated in Dramaturgy from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana (AGRFT UL) and also studied at the theatre academy DAMU in Prague, Czech Republic. She writes for Radio Študent and the magazines Dnevnik and Pogledi as well as various expert publications. Between 2009 and 2014 she worked as a theatre critic for the daily Delo. She has been a member of expert juries (Maribor Theatre Festival, Week of Slovenian Drama, Gibanica, Sarajevo Theatre Festival MESS, Ministry of Culture) as well as a festival selector (Sarajevo Theatre Festival MESS 2014, Golden Stick 2013). For her graduation thesis she received the student Prešeren Award. She is currently doing her PhD studies at the AGRFT UL and the working title of her thesis is Theatre and War: Fundamental Relations between Performing Arts and Wars on the Territory of Ex-Yugoslavia in the 1990s. She is assistant professor at AGRFT UL.
Krištof Jacek Kozak
Theatre expert, dramaturg and literary historian. He received his PhD from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, where he continued his postdoctoral studies at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies. Kozak has published numerous articles and various book chapters in the field of drama studies. His second book, dealing with the survival of the tragic subject in contemporary drama, was published in Slovenian language as well as in Serbian, Slovak and English translations. He has served as a member of expert juries for numerous theatre awards such as the Grum Award and the Dnevnik Award. His research interests are geared towards modernist and contemporary drama, in particular the tradition of tragedy in contemporary theatre, culture and society, and the philosophy of literature.
Nina Mitrović
Playwright, dramaturg and screenwriter. One of the most successful Croatian playwrights of the younger generation. She earned a BA in Dramaturgy from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb and an MA in Screenwriting from the London Film School. She is the author of the award-winning plays Encounter, This Bed is too Short or Just Fragments and Neighbourhood Upside Down, among others. Her plays have been performed at the national theatres in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia as well as at theatres in Austria, Germany, Macedonia, Finland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Her work has been presented at international festivals including Berliner Festspiele and Playwright's Week in New York. She is also the author of children’s plays, radio documentaries and radio plays.
Katja Perat
Critic, poet and PhD student of Literary Sciences. She is an editor at the literary magazine Literatura and the Web portal AirBeletrina. She writes for the magazines Mladina and Pogledi and the daily Delo. Her début poetry collection Najboljši so padli [The Best Have Fallen] was published in 2011 by Študentska založba in the literary collection Beletrina. The same year, she received the award of the Slovene Literary Fair for the best début of the year. In 2012, the Association of Slovene Literary Critics awarded her the Critical Sieve for the book of the year. Her book was also nominated for the awards Veronika and Jenko. Her second poetry collection Davek na dodano vrednost [VAT], published in 2014 by Literatura, received critical acclaim and was nominated for the Veronika Award, the Jenko Award and the Critical Sieve.
Mikko Roiha
Director, curator, set designer and professor of art. Presently, he is artistic co-director of Tampere International Theatre Festival. Roiha has directed many Finnish classics all over Finland which have been invited to many renowned festivals. Lately, he's created a new form of cultural exchange: co-productions between several Finnish and Swedish theatres are first rehearsed and premièred in Berlin and then shown in different places in Finland and other Nordic Countries. This shared
production model creates new artistic meetings, prolongs the lives of the productions and is economically wise both to the artists and the theatres.
For his work he has been awarded with a Finnish State Prize 2008 and with a 10-year Grant of the Finnish State 2015.